2021 Revenge of The Nerds
2021 Revenge of The Nerds

A mild fall afternoon set into a perfect evening as we welcomed back Brian McLoughlin to the stage for our REVENGE OF THE NERDS Weekend.
He was dressed to fit the theme with white nerdy glasses, suspenders, and a set of incredible acoustic tunes to roll across the misty Friday air. A new swarm of guests were introduced to our docile, actor-less Haunted Barn during the Friday showing for those that are faint of heart… apologies to the few who got scared at the end by some Nun in a Tie Dye TGD Sweatshirt, hopefully no nightmares ensued! Thank you Brian for setting a great stage for a stellar weekend!
A fun Friday evening was a great start for a through and through spectacular Saturday.
Archery, sling shooting, and crafts all had a friendly turnout as the temperature rose for the heated competition to come. In keeping with the Nerds theme, we threw a Greek Games Competition consisting of a myriad of games and competitors. Our games included a flimsy javelin toss, a toddler-sized tricycle race, with adults included, one lopsided arm wrestle, a glorious belching contest, and a costume contest. The teams were evenly matched throughout resulting in results too close to call. The teams that left their hearts, and pocket protectors, out on the field were rewarded with some TGD prizes for dressing up and throwing down the gauntlet in this great new event.

Hank was our first place Costume contest winner, he edged out Ogre for first place. Thank you to all who competed, watched, cheered, and participated.
We need not say much about this evening as The Nerds said all that was needed to say… That is all… JUST KIDDING!! This evening was incredible. The band rocked two glorious sets of all the great dancing tunes. Mixing up some interesting blends between songs had the crowd on the edge of their toes dancing and singing along. The band sounded amazing and gave us a majestic Saturday evening to remember for the ages!
Thank you to Pirate Sound for tuning in the band so well and to The Nerds thank you for a mesmerizing evening of hits!

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