2021 Blue Christmas in July Weekend
2021 Blue Christmas in July Weekend
An old TGD classic is Christmas in July,

which we decided to add a new twist to by mixing in some blues with a Blue Christmas in July. On this night a baby was supposed to be born… to the singer of the band The Outcrops who were scheduled to play. So with swift haste Jan found a great substitute in Breathe, a Pink Floyd Tribute band composed of a few different TGD returning musical guests. They gave us a truly special gift of a Friday night and a journey through The Dark Side of the Moon.
Saturday mixed the old Santa tradition with the new fire truck riding version supplied by the Green Township Fire Department.
Leading up to the musical guest Bob Lanza Blues Band, there was a Christmas Village which hosted crafters, vendors, TGD arts and crafts as well as a successful event that highlights the generosity in our great community. The tabletop tree decorating contest and auction which raised money for the fire department displayed the true creativity our campers have.
Thank you to everyone involved in this amazing weekend! As a community we raised over $700 for the first department and with a match from TGD we sent them a check for $1400!

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