2021 British Invasion Weekend
2021 British Invasion Weekend

British Invasion was, like many others before it, a weekend of will or won’t it rain deliberation.
Friday had great weather for an old classic TGD band, Pepperville. COVID has seen many musicians shut down their passions. We were fortunate enough to be able to be the welcome back to performing for Pepperville. They came with guitars and clothes fitting the theme for the weekend and music to match! It was a wonderful Friday evening at the Pavilion welcoming the British in smashingly! Saturday saw clear, hot, and humid skies all day leading up to severe thunderstorms in the area.
Because of this, we were forced indoors for our headliners Britishmania, a premiere Beatles Tribute Band.
Despite the weather and location, there was a decent turnout for a show that the weather was kind enough not to attend until the encore! The band changed outfits, played all the classic Beatles tunes, and stayed in character the whole show! Three fun-filled sets of solid music and a joyous crowd showed everyone why at The Great Divide you should never listen to the weather forecast.
No matter what clouds are on the horizon TGD knows how to give you a great weekend!

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